Health promotion research paper

Health promotion research paper

A. Health promotion/disease prevention Problem and Specific Population

1. Clearly describes the health promotion/disease prevention problem specific to the target population.: What is the problem and what is your goal in regards to Healthy People 2020? Why is your problem important in the setting or population that you are working with? Describe the population.

2. Analyzes and supports the significance of the specific prevention problem with research and data. Supports the importance and relevance of your problem with research (journal articles) or data (from sources such as CDC)
B. Relationship to Individual Advanced Role

1. Explain how the selected problem applies to advanced practice in the student’s role option. How does this apply to your role as an advanced role (for example as a family nurse practitioner). What specifically about the role DIRECTLY relates to this problem and will guide the health promotion program (you may want to include tenets of the roles of the specific advanced practice nurse role you are studying)
C. Critical Analysis of Relevant Literature

1. Critically analyze the current literature related to interventions that address the problem related to communities from nursing, the sciences, and humanities.
This is your review of literature. You need to have journal articles (research studies) that are relevant to your topic. These research articles need to guide your intervention. A review of literature provides an in-depth analysis of the research available on your topic addressing the strengths, weaknesses, and gaps of current research.
D. Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
Theoretical Framework-Health Belief Model from previous paper
1. Select an appropriate health promotion/disease prevention theoretical framework that applies to the problem.
Describe the theory that you will be using for your problem and intervention. Note you must use academic sources to cite your theoretical framework (NOT, etc)

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2. Incorporate the theoretical model into the design of your Intervention Plan
Describe how the theoretical model applies to your intervention plan. Build bridges between your plan and the theory.
E. Intervention Plan

1.Design an intervention to address the problem in the selected population/setting using appropriate epidemiological, social, and environmental assessments
Build an intervention plan that is based on EVIDENCE (RESEARCH). This should be based on the research from your literature review. Describe your intervention in detail. Note: This is one of the hallmarks of your paper. Please follow the rubric closely.
2. Discuss alternative interventions that consider specific subsets of the population (underserved), for example: seniors, homebound individuals, disabled, homeless, uninsured, etc.
This has not been done in previous weeks and is quite self- explanatory. Make certain to cite evidence in your work.
F. Evaluation Plan

1. Design an evaluation plan to measure efficacy of the proposed intervention
Describe the evaluation plan you developed? Does it consist of formative and summative methods? Why? Describe any validated instruments you will be using or if it was necessary to develop your own. What timeframes will you be conducting your evaluations? What methods will you be using to conduct your evaluation plan?
Identify potential barriers that may be encountered during the evaluation process
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