A role model study

A role model study
please research the life of Yan Zhenqing (颜真卿, 708~784CE) in Tang Dynasty and explain why his calligraphy works were so important and became an everlasting role model after so many generations until now. In addition, discuss with the inter-relations between calligraphy & personality of Yan Zhenqing. Please provide a few illustrations (including art works of the artists mentioned in your essay) to support your research.
 Essay Structure:
1.Content List: Section by Section in order
2.Introduction: the purpose or intention of the essay, what to achieve in this research.
3.Body: Section by Section discussions with subtitles.
4.Conclusion: Any new discovery? Any new idea? Anything yet undissolved?
5.References: Harvard Style

 Footnotes are MUST: Please add footnotes for some terminology that need explanation.
 Graphs (Art work) are MUST for supporting your argument.

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