Analyzing argument

This assignment challenges you to analyze how two writers present arguments about a
significant issue or topic. For this assignment, you will choose two current newspaper or
scholarly journal articles that focus on a current issue relevant to the people on the continent of
Africa, and/or people of African descent. Your goal is to identify the purposes and claims of each
author, locate their arguments in a rhetorical situation, and analyze the appeals each writer makes
to support their argument. You will then evaluate the arguments: which author better satisfies
their readers? Which author crafts the more fitting response?

In sum, then, the main goals are:

1. Identify the purposes and claims that two authors make about a significant issue.

2. Locate the arguments in a rhetorical situation (what exigencies do the authors address? What
constraints and resources exist for the authors? To whom are they writing? When and where
was each article published?

3. Analyze the appeals (logical, ethical, emotional) put forth by the writers.

4. Evaluate the arguments. Which argument is more fitting? Which author better satisfies
readers? (Your evaluation need not be either/or: maybe one author is more effective logically,
for instance, while the second author is more eflective ethically and emotionally.)

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