Apocalyptic literature and Introduction to the New Testament

Part I: Apocalyptic Literature

Reading: Daniel 7-8, 10-12 (Skip chap 9.) CSB Reading Guide to Daniel 7-12. Read 1 Maccabees 1-2 for background on what was happening at the time Daniel was written. Note: Because of the obscurity of the symbolic language in Daniel, IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT YOU PAY CAREFUL ATTENTION TO THE ANNOTATIONS.

Brief Answers:

1. List two ways that the reading from the book of Maccabees helps you to better understand Daniel 7-12. Cite specific passages. (3 points)

2. List three characteristics of Daniel 7-12 that make it an apocalyptic text. List at least one passage from Dan 7-12 that demonstrates each characteristic. (6 points)

3. According to the assigned texts in Daniel, how will God reward those who are righteous and endure suffering because of their righteousness? Cite text to support your answer. (2 points

4. Compare & contrastthe portrayal of God in the visions of Daniel (especially chap 7) with previous portrayals in either Gen 12-32, Exodus, orIsaiah 6. List two ways that Daniels’ portrayal is similar and two ways that it is different. Cite texts to support your points. (6 points)

5. Name two ways in which the Book of Daniel differs from earlier prophetic books. Cite texts from Daniel and at least one earlier prophetic book to support your answers. (4 points).

6. List three passages from various chapters in Daniel 7-12 that deal with salvation. How is Daniel’s view of salvation different than any one of the previous assigned readings? (4 points)

Part II: Introduction to the New Testament

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• NOAB, Introduction to the Gospels, pp. 1743-45

• CSB Reading Guide to the Synoptic Gospels (D2L)

• Jewish Groups at the Time of Jesus (D2L)

• Important Events in the New Testament Era (D2L)

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