Emerging Technologies Proposal: Evaluation Plan

For this essay you will write the Evaluation Plan for your Emerging Technologies Proposal, which explains your process for evaluating the project and measuring its success.

You must read the below 3 essays in order to write this essay. The below 3 essay is what your writing your Evaluation Plan for your Emerging Technologies from.

You must read the 3 essays only

1. Emerging_Technologies_Proposal_Problem_StatementS

2. Emerging_Technologies_Proposal_MethodS

3. Emerging_Technologies_Proposal_Goals,_Objectives,_and_OutcomE

Once again you will write the Evaluation Plan for your Emerging Technologies Proposal, which explains your process for evaluating the project and measuring its success.

You must use the below references

•Review Chapter 10 of the Miner and Miner text for an explanation of writing evaluation plans and for examples.

•Review the Emerging Technologies for Adult Learners Request for Proposals (RFP).

This essay must be in APA form and have a strong introduction and conclusion. Please use intext citations to match your references. Also be specific and use concrete examples from your references

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