Are the Roma/ Gypsies an ethnic group, or are they distinguished through a ‘lifestyle’ choice?Answer with reference to definitions of ethnicity and nationality?

Are the Roma/ Gypsies an ethnic group, or are they distinguished through a ‘lifestyle’ choice?Answer with reference to definitions of ethnicity and nationality?

You wrote an essay on the same topic but I failed because you did not answer the question and it was so descriptive. They want critical writing including examples and case studies and the most important thing is to answer the question. This is the re-submission.I will upload the essay that you wrote for me and a list of references to be used.
The following is an email from my teacher about the essay requirement:

I suggest that you begin with a discussion of ?ethnicity? (the concept); if you propose an outline for your essay I will then comment on it. However, you should say a bit about Roma history (socio-economic history is what is most important) – but you should cover the history of persecutions (and sometimes, partial acceptance); the Holocaust; and also the history of Roma in eastern Europe as well as in the West (e.g. in Britain: difficulties finding campsites; various kinds of discrimination). You?ll also need to cover a number of points about society, economic basis of the Roma (and changes in this) and culture as well as current persecutions. Have you read the handout I gave you??

What have you read to date on the Roma? Have you read the Judith Okely ethnography? If not, that is a good place to begin.

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