Examining the Employability of Bachelor of Arts Graduates from Sri Lanka State Universities : A Quantitative study

Examining the Employability of Bachelor of Arts Graduates from Sri Lanka State Universities : A Quantitative study

To brief you on the assignment this is a quantitative study. We have been asked to use the SPSS Software and the likert scale and the questionnaire with at least 40 questions.

I have got the lowest mark (P1).
Here are the comments
I?ve read through your Outline Research Template and am awarding this a mark of P1. This is a good start to your project but there are a few areas that need some further input. I have a few comments for your consideration for the Research Proposal. Remember, this is your work, so you decide how you will proceed, but try to make it clear to the reader what you are setting out to accomplish, why and how you will do it:

? In the Aims and Objectives you mention data being available to inform a strategy to increase the number of students that are employed by the State Universities, but in the context you say organisations. Be careful to be consistent. Are you focusing this research on what the Higher Education sector in particular looks for in graduates or are you focusing on Sri Lankan Universities, or general employability within Sri Lanka? Likewise, are you only focusing on Bachelor of Arts graduates, or is it all undergraduates? If so, for your research proposal please elaborate and give some background about who/what exactly you are researching and why.
? If you are researching the general job market in Sri Lanka, you will want to either find some research to use as secondary data or do some research that focuses on employers. You mention quantitative methods to ask students in the university, but you have not made it clear what they will be able to answer. If you are asking questions about employability, a better source would be employers, or possibly graduates. Are you going to try to identify gaps between what skills or attributes employers are looking for and what students feel they have? If so, it would make sense to interview students as your primary research after doing research into what employers want.
? How are you going to answer questions about graduate attributes and employability with quantitative data? I think you would find more with qualitative questions, but that is only a suggestion. This doesn?t mean you can?t use a questionnaire, but you might consider open questions rather than short answer. If you?ve not yet read Bryman & Bell?s ?Business Research Methods? then I would recommend it as a good read to help you think through your research.
? A key aspect of your research should be how formal education can help fulfil the demands of employers, so for your research proposal, you will need to include some information from an employer?s perspective.

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If you have any questions for me, please don?t hesitate to be in touch, however I will be on holiday from June 28th until July 13th with no access to email.

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