
You are expected to critically analyse an academic article related to

use Essay format with titles, section headings and sub-headings
The Three Points that I already Identified (find them below) from the
attached article in the uploaded Files, what I need for you is to write
about them
1- Introduction about the role of sustainability in Marketing and
Management for the entire article (relate it to the journal article to
explain the aim ofthe essay and use a few references), (150 Words)
2- Discuss each of three key points in order by using academic sources of
reference (journal, books, other articles..,etc.)
use academic references 10 to 12 (books, article, Journals ,etc
Use Harvard Referencing style (Date, Author)
Make sure the percentage of the plagiarism is 0%
The Point that I’ve identified
1- first, it addresses gaps in international entrepreneurship research by
describing how born global firms make strategic decisions
2- and who are involved in the decision-making.
3- it identifies critical incidents, which trigger a change in the decision-
making process of a born global firm.
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