Article Critique: “Mass casualty events: Are you prepared?”

Read the article “Mass casualty events Are you prepared?” by Janice S. Smith, PhD, RN. This article will discuss your

nursing role in disaster management, beginning with how to prepare yourself before a disaster strikes.

Type a 3-5 page paper (750- 1,250 words not including the title and reference pages) using APA 6th edition format with 12

point type Times New Roman font in which you will discuss and provide an overview incorporating the following information

from the article.

1. Define a Mass Casualty Event and list examples.
2. Discuss personal and family preparedness recommendations and guidelines.
3. Discuss American Nurses Association (ANA) Disaster Competencies for Nurses.
4. Discuss mass casualty and triage basics, and the Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment system [START].
5. Discuss hospital personnel roles in hospital triage.
6. Discuss educational programs for professional development.
7. Discuss hospital disaster plans.
8. Discuss the ANA Policy White Paper.

Summarize three things that you learned from this article. Give your reactions to and reflections on the article. Include

a title page, introduction, summary and three references.

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