Arts and Literature

Arts and Literature

Paper instructions:
The Six Keys
Medium: the means of communication between maker and interpreter
Form: the physical and linguistic features of the text Genre: the system of expectations governing interpretation
Context: social, economic, political, and biographical surroundings of the text
Absence: what isn’t said or shown or understood (but is somehow part of the text)
Style: particularising features of the text

These above 6 keys must be implemented into the 3 essays. Attached file gives the outlines and instructions for the essay

Hult International Business School
HUM 110 Six Keys to the Arts
Season Butler
Winter 2014

Brief for final examination

The final examination for the course will be held from 2 to 4pm on Thursday 27 March in Room B33 of the Birkbeck Malet Street building.

You will be given an examination booklet and a copy of this brief. You will write under formal examination conditions, with no access to texts, the internet or each other. You may bring in and

use one page of notes ; you should also bring illustrations of visual or other material to which you plan to refer in your answers. You must submit both the notes and the illustrations with your

examination booklet.

Exam instructions:
•    Arrive in the exam room 15 minutes before the start time
•    Go to the loo/have a final cigarette before we start
•    Turn off your phones
•    You may bring in and use one page of notes
•    Put everything except your writing implements, notes, and a bottle of water in a bag
•    Put the bag at the back of the room
•    You may not share notes or writing materials
•    You have 1 hour 50 minutes
•    Write in the exam booklet; extras are available if you need them
•    Once you leave the room, for whatever reason, you may not return
•    Do well!

READ ALSO :   Discussion 5

Part 1 [50%]         One essay of roughly 1000 words
Your task is to imagine your personal museum – a collection of architecture, painting, sculpture, music, literature, film or other art works especially important to you. Write a section of a guide

to your museum, discussing at least three of your star exhibits.
Your exhibits should be available on the internet. Give links to them. Then explain why you have chosen each work and how you would display it.

Remember that the purpose of this exercise is to show how well you understand the key concepts of the course. So the best grades will go to students who use all six in an insightful way.  Be as

precise in your language and as specific in your evidence as possible.

Part 2 [50%]    Two essays of about 500 words each.
Write on two of the six topics below. Remember that the purpose of this exercise is to show how well you understand the key concepts of the course. So the best grades will go to students who

use all six in an insightful way.  Be as precise in your language and as specific in your evidence as possible.

1. In Capital, Volume I (1887) Karl Marx asserted that “’For all its stinginess, capitalist production is thoroughly wasteful with human material.’” (qtd. in de Botton, p. 72) Where might we find

evidence of this “waste” in the literature and films we’ve discussed in this course?

2. Use the Six Keys to analyse an advertising campaign, discussing at least one image in detail. Submit reproductions of the images you use with your answer.

READ ALSO :   the portrayal of Good vs. Evil

3. Make a detailed formal analysis of a painting by Cezanne that we have not discussed in class. Submit a reproduction of the painting with your answer.

4. Discuss the use of symbolism, context and narrativity in The Hudsucker Proxy and Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas.

5. Select a mixed media artwork. Offer a formal analysis of the piece which tells me how the different media work together to deliver the artist’s message.

6. Use the Six Keys to identify, assess and evaluate the presence of status anxiety in London’s Overthrow and The Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock?