better off in europe

better off in europe

..The first 1.5 pages do the following assignment.Write an essay of about 1.5 pages. Discuss with your own words what the possible benefits are from the Single Market to yourself and also in general. Tell concrete examples what kind of benefits and experiences you have got already from the Single Market and what do you think you will get in the future? Reflect also the possible problems that there might be? The uploaded material is for this assignment No 1.
Assignment No.2 the second 1.5 pages
1.Which of the EU Structural Funds did you find most interesting? Why?
2.Briefly present an idea for one new project that you would like to get co-financed by the EU Structural Fund that you chose in Assignment 1 (above). In your answer, define the following basic facts:
?the purpose and main objective(s) of the project, desired outcomes and impacts
?parties that could implement the project, project partners
?target group(s) of the project
?practical measures and forms of action in the project
?estimated length of the project

This will be in the next 1.5 pages

NOTE: each assignment should have 3 sources.

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