
Owais Shafique (2012) Recruitment in the 21st Century’. 4(2) Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research.

After you have read the article, complete the following:

Identify and analyze the challenges in staffing, especially with regards to personnel selection practices. Identify the best approaches to

successful recruitment

HR Resourcing


• The process of human resource planning
Pages 90–107 in Chapter 4 examine the components of the HR planning process and discuss the various elements of each.
• Contingency in recruitment methods
Pages 154–178 in Chapter 6 examine the history of competency management, discuss how models have developed differently in the United States and the

United Kingdom, and describe a previously developed managerial model.
• Choosing the right people
Pages 184–191 in Chapter 7 explore the need for organisations to recruit and select the right people. The authors also consider important staffing

issues, such as subjectivity, discrimination, elimination, and reduction.
• Selection methods
Pages 191–209 in Chapter 7 outline and analyse numerous methods for selecting appropriate candidates. You will learn about the benefits and

drawbacks of each method while also exploring the conditions where each may be best utilised.
• Employee retention
Pages 107–111 in Chapter 4 briefly discuss the areas of concern with regards to retaining the most desirable and talented employees. Organisations

must consider a variety of issues in order to keep employees satisfied, challenged, and motivated.

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