Writing Assignment

Assignment: After gaining a basic understanding of our structure and form of government through the readings and discussions in this course, compare

and contrast some basic elements of our government structure to those of another country.

-refer to the doc for more information.

Please make sure to follow the outline provided in the document.

Essay Assignment: This writing assignment is a very important part of this course. Each student is required to write a paper that relates to the

course subject matter. The paper must be at least 7 pages of content (not counting reference page and title page). The paper must be typed (12 pt

font) and double-spaced. In addition, there should be a cover page that will include a topic title, course number & section number, date, and your

name. There should also be an additional back page that will properly cite your sources that you referred to. There should be a minimum of six (6)

different sources used to gather your information. The sources will be an equal mixture of internet web and written sources. Some written sources

such as newspapers and journals are posted online, so they are considered written sources. Web sites such as the CIA are considered a web source.

Points will be deducted for grammatical errors, so make sure you proofread your essay very carefully. The grade for this essay is determined by the

quality of your paper. The topic for this essay is provided below:

After gaining a basic understanding of our structure and form of government through the readings and discussions in this course, compare and

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contrast some basic elements of our government structure to those of another country. There are obviously different forms of government besides our

own and some even refer to their governments as a democratic government. Writing should be in your own words! Copying an author’s words is

plagiarism and will result in a ZERO for the assignment. Most of your writing should be your original thoughts; If you need to quote make sure you

use quotation marks and only quote sparsely.

Divide your paper into the following subtopics.

I. Introduction (1-2 pages)
Provide a brief background of the country you have selected to compare to ours.
Brief historical background, its people, economy, religion, etc. What is our relationship to this country (economically and politically)?

II. Constitutional Development (1-2 pages)
Provide a brief summary of how the government developed in this country you selected. This will include a brief historical discussion to

its constitutional development.

II. Government Structure (4 pages or more)
How is government structured in this country you have selected?
Executive, Legislative, Judicial, Political Parties
Make some comparisons to our structure of government.

III. Democracy (1 page)
We consider our country a democracy. What is it that makes a democracy?
Is this country you wrote about a democracy? Why or Why not? Discuss some elements of democracy in your comparisons.

IV. Conclusion (1 page)
What did you learn from this assignment? What stands out in your comparisons?

V. Sources (Separate page, MLA or other accepted format)
Cite your sources.
Below are examples of countries you can choose. Feel free to select any country you wish to write about that might not be listed here.

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Norway Sweden Iceland Denmark
New Zealand Australia Switzerland Canada
Finland Luxembourg Netherlands Ireland
Austria United Kingdom Germany Malta
Uruguay Mauritius Japan Czech Republic
South Korea Belgium Costa Rica

Botswana France Cape Verde South Africa
Slovenia Italy Chile India
Greece Portugal Estonia Taiwan
Lithuania Israel Jamaica Slovakia
Cyprus Timor-Leste Poland Brazil
Panama Latvia Trinidad and Tobago Hungary
Croatia Mexico Argentina Bulgaria
Indonesia Suriname Dominican Republic Serbia

Lesotho Colombia Romania Peru
El Salvador Mongolia Malaysia Hong Kong
Philippines Papua New Guinea Ghana Moldova
Zambia Paraguay Thailand Namibia
Macedonia Senegal Guyana Malawi

Georgia Montenegro Singapore Mali
Benin Ecuador Bangladesh Honduras
Ukraine Guatemala Bolivia Tanzania

Sir Lanka Albania Turkey Nicaragua
Uganda Kenya Venezuela Lebanon
Bosnia Liberia Bhutan Libya
Palestine Nepal Mozambique Kyrgyz Republic
Pakistan Sierra Leone Cambodia Madagascar
Mauritania Burkina Faso Iraq Niger
Morocco Armenia

Haiti Ethiopia Algeria Kuwait
Nigeria Jordan Gabon Russia
Cuba Comoros Togo Burundi
Cameroon Rwanda Angola Gambia
Vietnam Egypt Oman Laos
Swaziland Qatar Azerbaijan Kazakhstan
Belarus China Djibouti Congo
Bahrain Guinea Yemen Myanmar
Zimbabwe Sudan United Arab Emirates Tajikistan

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