Child development

Child development
Each student will conduct a confidential interview with a family, with children, from an ethnic group different from his or her. A typed 7-10 page will reflect the conversation with the family about the role that the family plays on the child’s life. In addition, student will discuss the positive and negative factors that influence the socialization of the child. This assignment is used to assess the following SLO’s:

Analyze theories of socialization that address the interrelationship of child, family and community.
Analyze and evaluate the factors that both positively and negatively influence the socialization of the child.
Critique strategies that support and empower families through respectful, reciprocal relationships to involve all families in their children’s development and learning.

The paper must be typed, double space, size 12 font and essay and/or paragraph format with a title/cover page and APA format. No question and answer format. Below you will see the guideline for the assignment. There are nine sections, analysis, and conclusion. Your paper must follow the guideline. You may expand the questions as necessary. The cover page should include a title, your name, class information and due date. As you are writing about each component, please make sure that you support your finding by referencing and relating to the information to the text/lecture information; provide correct APA in-text citation. If you need to familiarize yourself with APA format, please go to “Course information” tab and click on APA format link or Libray link. If I do not see any text materials then you will not receive full credit for this assignment. See grading rubric. See course schedule for due date. Send your paper via blackboard. DO NOT E-MAIL YOUR PAPER.

– Family Interview Guideline (This is a guide to start your paper, your paper must be in essay format, NOT questions and answers format)

Part A

I. Description of the family—- Discuss in paragraph format..Not questions/answers

a. Names (first names only) and ages of all people living as a unit.

b. Do both adults work? What are their jobs?

c. What are each child’s Strengths? Problem areas or places that s/he needs help?

d. What activities is this child involved in?

e. How would you categorize your family orientation? (collectivistic or Individualistic)

f. What is your concept of a family?

g. How would you describe your family orientation?

h. What influences your family composition?

i. What events affect your family ties?

Note: Integrate and Support with specific pieces of references/information from the textbook at least 2 times. Then discuss the relation to the ecological model (specifically Microsystems, other systems may applied as well)

II. Family activities

a. When is the family able to be together? What happens during those times?

b. What kinds of things do you enjoy doing together as a family (serious or recreational included)?

c. What kind of socialization methods do you use with your children? (Ch.2)

Note: Integrate and Support with specific pieces of references/information from the textbook at least 2 times and discuss the relation to the ecological model (specifically Microsystems, other systems may applied as well)

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III. Communication

a. Do you have time to talk with the children individually about their joys or problems?

When does this happen?

b. How are disagreements between children worked out or resolved?

c. Is there general agreement between adults about how to raise and discipline children?

What is each adult’s style of relating to the children?

d. When adults in the family have a disagreement, how are those conflicts dealt with?

e. What is your communication style?

Note: Integrate and Support with specific pieces of references/information from the textbook at least 2 times and discuss the relation to the ecological model (specifically Microsystems, other systems may applied as well)

IV. Education

a. Is it important to you that your child get a good education? How much higher education

is necessary? How will an education help your child?

b. What are you doing to help your child to become well-educated?

c. Is the school, child care center, and/or teacher providing a good environment for learning?

For each of your children? How would your expectations for an appropriate environment

vary based on age of the child?

f. How and when do you relate to your children’s teachers?

g. Are there any parent education opportunities and support services available at your children’s school? If so, what are they and do you take advantage of them?

h. How and what teachers and school do to support and empower your family and your children?

Note: Integrate and Support with specific pieces of references/information from the textbook at least 2 times and discuss the relation to the ecological model (specifically Microsystems, other systems may applied as well)

V. Discipline and responsibility-taking

a. How are your children learning to behave appropriately? What do you work on with them and how?

b. Who does the disciplining?

c. Do your children take responsibility for their behavior? for their belongings, room, etc..?

If so, how did they learn this?

d. Do you and other adults raising the children agree on what kind of discipline to use? What kinds of things do you do to correct or redirect behavior?

Note: Integrate and Support with specific pieces of references/information from the textbook at least 2 times and discuss the relation to the ecological model (specifically Microsystems, other systems may applied as well)

VI. Cultural traditions

a. Have your children had the opportunity to learn about the cultural traditions of your ancestors?

b. How are family history and traditions passes on to the children?

c. What values do you want your child to have and live by?

d. Are religious traditions and beliefs taught? If so, how?

Note: Integrate and Support with specific pieces of references/information from the textbook at least 2 times and discuss the relation to the ecological model (specifically Microsystems, other systems may applied as well)

VII. Community involvement

a. What kind of neighborhood(s) did you live in? Describe your community.

b. Are you involved in any community activities? If so, what?

c. What would you like to change in your local community or in our nation?

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d. How could you work to influence what happens either locally or nationally?

e. What kind of influences do you want your child to have in your community?

f. What kind of resources/support services for your children in your community?

g. Any after school programs or park or community center in your community?

Note: Integrate and Support with specific pieces of references/information from the textbook at least 2 times and discuss the relation to the ecological model (specifically Microsystems, other systems may applied as well)

VIII. Support from others

a. To whom do you turn when or if you have a problem?

b. Who, outside the family, provides resources of support for you as you raise your children?

Note: Integrate and Support with specific pieces of references/information from the textbook at least 2 times and discuss the relation to the ecological model (specifically Microsystems, other systems may applied as well)

IX. Compare and Contrast to your own family

Compare and contrast this family to your own family. As you are describing the similarities and differences, refer to specific component, must compare and contrast all the above 8 components . Be specific and relate to the text materials.

Note: Cite the evidence by referencing the text and discuss the relation to the ecological model

Part B. Analysis:

I). Interrelationship of Child, Family and Community:

From your interview information pull out specific information and analyze, another word examine, which you feel illustrates, another word show, the interrelationship between the child, family and the community, give specific example/answers from the family. Refer to text and discuss.

You can start your sentences like this:

An illustration of how the interrelationship of the children and family can be seen when the parents stated that and explained……

An illustration the interrelationship of the children and the community can be seen when the parents……

An illustration the interrelationship of the family and community can be seen when the parents……

II). Theoretical Perspectives: You are going to analyze the family by addressing 3 theories (Erickson, Maslow and Bronfenbrenner) of socialization that address the interrelationship of child, family and community. Helpful Hint- Below is how you can discuss:

· Erikson- What would he have to say? What is his theory is about? You can then relate how it affects the children, the family and communities? Would Erikson agree/disagree with the way the family is influencing the children?

· Maslow- What would he have to say? What is his theory is about? How it affects the children, the family and communities? Would Erikson agree/disagree with the way the family is influencing the children?

· Bronfrenbrenner) – What would he have to say? What is his theory is about? How it affects the children, the family and communities? Would Erikson agree/disagree with the way the family is influencing the children?

Support your analysis by referencing specific pieces of information from the text and using APA format to cite internal context.

III) Positive and Negative factors: From your interview, identify factors that both positively and negatively influence the socialization of the child and explain the effect (immediate and long term) it has on the child. Be specific in describing.

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This is how you can start your sentence:

As I reflect on the interview, factors that positively influence the socialization of the child/children is/are …… and it has/have immediate positive effect in this way….. and positive long term effect in this way…… . In contrast, factors that negatively influence the socialization of the child/children is/are …… and it has/have immediate negative effect in this way….. and negative long term effect in this way…… .

IV) Support and Empowerment Strategies: From your interview, categorize strategies that support and empower families to involve in their children’s development and learning. And provide specific suggestions, ideas, thoughts, referral, support services for the child and family, etc.

The strategies that can really empower this family in supporting the development and learning of the child/children…….. I would suggest and recommend …… services or resources like….

Part C- Concluding Thoughts

Write a brief paragraph in which you discuss

· At least 4 significant concepts learned from the assignment.

· Provide an explanation as to how information learned will be used for future growth.

· Provide an “action plan” with three specific goals based on the information learned… Meaning, what are your plans with either with your own family or families of children that you are working with.

· Anything else you would like to share regarding the assignment.

Note: You will be graded on your use of correct grammar, spelling, neatness and APA format. Please see the Grading Rubric.

What to Include in your Paper before submitting

Order of the paper:

· Title page/cover page

· Interview information- 9 components (at least a paragraph for each component and at least 2 piecies information from the textbook); must be written in essay/paragraph format… Note: No questions and Answers format. Instructor will not grade the paper, if the paper is in questions and answer format.

Analysis- 4 components to discuss in analysis part- I). Interrelationship of Child, Family and Community; II) 3 Theories perspectives III) Positive and Negative factors;

IV) Strategies:

· Conclusion Thought- Discuss the questions prompt

· Reference page/work cited page
Once again Remember to check for:

· Format of the paper must be an essay/paragraph and APA format. Please do not turn in question/answer format paper.

· Must include references from the textbook to support discussions.

· Must include correct APA in-text citation in the paper itself.

· Must edited paper for spellings, grammars, format, punctuations, etc

· Must have cover page with, name, title of class, course #, section #, date submission, instructor’s name

· See course schedule for due date. See grading rubric. (Send via blackboard as an attachment; do not e-mail).

· BOTTOM LINE: Follow the guideline and you will be fine.

· Review grading rubric before submitting the paper. Try grading yourself and see if you are missing any information…. By doing so, you can make necessary revision prior to submitting the paper.