China pension reform and income inequality

This is a business subject but also focus on the government, globalization aspect. it is business and government in global context so this business report needs to be discussed on regarding to these aspects.
it need to be discussed based on analysis of the complexities surfacing for government, business and civil society in the context of rising inequality and its impact on the capitalist system.

Note it is a business report format with introduction, discussion and conclusion as well as reference list in Harvard style and in text citation. No abstract is needed.

Discuss the development of Chinese social and income inequality as a result of the globalization and economic liberalization (economic reform) in 1970s. Further discuss how does government, business and civil society(Non Governmental Organization) has impact on the current Chinese pension reform to minimize the gap of inequality; and compare China with western capitalism countries( eg. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, etc.) and analyse how do they using welfare (pension system) to minimize the gap.

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