Commentary 3

Commentary 3

Commentary on the Hong Kong film – In the Mood for Love.I am going to upload a book (PDF) for the reference. Please focus on the film.

Purpose: to cultivate the habits of critical reading by making arguments and providing evidence

Content: identify and argument (not a topic) from a required reading (with direct quotations and page numbers) and discuss it in relation n to the designated film of the day

Focus: your ability to articulate someone else argument and state your interpretation of a film in relation to that argument; mere factual

Length: 350 words for each short paper; the portion in excess of the limit will not be graded for credit

Grading: out of 10 points for each commentary, 3 for identification of an argument and logical transition, points for film discussion focused on details, and 4 for writing (grammar expression, coherence, style)

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