
Address the following questions in a well-integrated analysis:

In the Hipple and Stewart article, “Earnings and Benefits of Contingent and Non-Contingent Workers,” the premise of how a

contingent worker, which has become a key foundation of U.S. workforce, is compensated compared with regular workers. In

this assignment, compare and contrast the various aspects related to how contingent workers are compensated compared with

regular workers. As you undertake this comparative analysis, address the following aspects:
1.Given the different levels of pay and benefits among full-time and part-time employees, how may an organization create

a sense of internal equity?
2.Specifically, how has the employment of contingent employees affected an organization’s business, its HRM

responsibilities, its overall costs, and its organizational culture?
3.In your educated opinion, should the compensation of contingent workers be the same (on a pro-rated basis) as regular,

full-time employees doing the same work? Discuss, bringing in both the strengths and challenges this approach presents.
4.How would you, as the CEO of the company, create a sense engagement with the infusion of contingent workers in a

workplace that historically consisted of regular, full-time employees?

Use at least 2 library sources to help strengthen and support your response
Provide private-sector employer examples of HRM programs, systems, processes and/or procedures as you address the above

assignment requirements. Provide names of the employers.

Give authors credit for their work. Cite sources of borrowed information in the body of your paper as footnotes, numbered

end notes or APA style of referencing.

Organize Paper Like This:
Section 1- Introduction ( Use this header): describes what the memo is going to be about; it mentions the upcoming

READ ALSO :   compare and contrast

Section 2- Most Appealing Aspects ( Use this header): What aspects of the Jones Investments benefits program are likely

to appeal to Aden? Explain.
Section 3- Least Appealing Aspects ( Use this header): What aspects of the Jones benefit package would likely be the

least appealing to Aden? Discuss.
Section 4- Other Attractive Benefits ( Use this header): In today’s work environment, what other benefits offered by

employers might be attractive to Aden? Why? Bring in examples of benefits offered (discussing at least two employers by

Section 5- References ( Use this header): has at least 2 peer-reviewed/scholarly references. The references are also

integrated within the paper.
Required Reading:
Hipple, S., & Stewart, J. (1996). Earnings and benefits of contingent and noncontingent workers. Monthly Labor Review,

119(10), 22-30.

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