Instructions Students need to determine within which area of their study specialization they want to focus on for their thesis. Therefore

as an assignment for this block, each student is expected to write a short 3-page problem analysis concluding with research objective and

research questions about their topic. Aiming to explore the current status of that topic and finding knowledge gaps thin specific business

area’s for this topic. The Pyramid principle of Minto (2009) will help to align the research questions with the research objective and the

problem analysis to build a coherent start of a research proposal.

Assignment The problem analysis should provide an accurate definition of problem context, including the presentation of relevant facts and

figures and the most important stakeholders. It should also include an adequate causal analysis of the problem, which is carried out using

different problem analysis techniques e.g. issue map, root-cause analysis, mind map, 5-why’s etc.(they need be provided as an appendix).

The gap between current and desired is clearly identified (if applicable). Good motivation of the problem (why is that a problem?) and a

clear need for a solution is established. The problem analysis should end with a separate problem statement, which summarizes the main

problem clear and sharp (no more than 50 words).

Also formulate a research objective according the structure of Verschuren, Doorewaard and Mellion (2010) accompanied with a set of

theoretical and empirical research questions. Deliverable The final product should contain; o 2-3 page – coherently written – problem

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analysis o Max 50 word problem statement o Research objective o Research questions o Bibliography (APA style) o Appendices e.g. research

framework, mind map

Time On the next page you will find an overview of the course content per week. Draft of the problem statement should be upload before

Week 6. Weeks 7 and 8 are used to give and receive (peer) feedback on the problem analysis. The final problem analysis needs to behanded

in before week 9.


Content/ Subjects (x)
2.1 2 Discussion/Practice Problem analysis 2.2 2 Discussion/Practice Problem analysis 2.3 2 Discussion/Practice Research Objective and

Research Framework 2.4 2 Discussion/Practice Research Questions / Definition of Concepts 2.5 2 Discussion/Practice Research Questions /

Definition of Concepts 2.6 2 Discussion/Practice Research Methodology 2.7 2 Discussion/Practice Research Methodology 2.8 2

Discussion/Practice Recap & Feedback


Assessment See Appendix 4.2 part C and D of the course description. All elements way need to be sufficient or higher. To be completed by

the assessors Scoring Key: 1 = Insufficient, 2 = Adequate, 3 = Good, 4 = Very Good C. PROBLEM ANALYSIS 1 2 3 4 1. Accurate definition of

the context. Relevant facts and figures are presented. Most important stakeholders are identified.
2. Deep causal analysis of the problem is provided. The gap between current and desired is clearly identified (if applicable). Good

motivation of the problem (why is that a problem?). Clear need for solution is established.
3. Clear and sharp problem definition and statement. D. CONCEPTUAL DESIGN 1 2 3 4 1. Research Objective is S.M.A.R.T.: clear and focused

formulation of both external (what?) and internal (how?) objective, following from the problem statement. Does not contain too many ideas

(not a double-barrelled statement). Research perspective is selected.
2. Research Questions are well aligned with research objective. Research questions are divided into Main, Theoretical and Empirical.

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Research questions are researchable/ S.M.A.R.T.