DB02 Yinscape and Yanngsearch

DB02 Yinscape and Yanngsearch
The case of Yinscape and Yanngsearch was designed to provide minimal information on this merger/acquisition. You are encouraged to re-read the assignment and

imagine or envision the shape and spirit of a newly-merged, cross national company. You are to assume the role of Yinscape’s CEO. In this role, you must envision a new

future for the combined companies. Your DB thread should describe how you will communicate your vision, as though addressing a meeting of Yinscape and Yansearch’s

top managers shortly after the acquisition. Creating a compelling vision is a task that requires forethought and sensitivity. In addition, the challenge is increased based on

how to communicate that vision to a potentially hostile audience. In preparing your DB tread, consider what questions and concerns you should anticipate; think

realistically about the possible results of the meeting and decide on what steps to take immediately after the speech.

I have uploaded both readings from the book Jick, T. D., & Peiperl, M. A. (2011). Managing change. The two readings are:
Yinscape and Yangsearch (page 112)
The Vision Thing (113)

The rubric states the following:
0 to 15 points
1. All key components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt are addressed in the thread.

0 to 35 points
Major points are supported by the following:
1. Reading & Study materials;
2. Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples;
3. Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts);
4. Citations in current APA format; and 550 words minimum
5. Integration of at least 2 peer-reviewed articles not from the readings

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