
imagine you are the Manager of a construction company, which is specialized in
Juilding of high-quality customized homes in Abu Dhabi. You operate as a general
contractor and subcontract a great part of the work to local professionals. Honsing
construction in Abu Dhabi is developing quickly and you are planning to complete ll
houses this year. You have just been hired by a family to build their dream house which
will be with two floors, 200 sq. us each floor or 400 sq. m altogether.
You have:
1. To develop a Project Scope Statement and to review it with the customer;
2. To develop a Work Breakdown Structure of the project; v
3. To develop a Project Network, to complete the forward and backward pass, to
compute the slack and to identify the critical path;
4. To estimate the project cost using the Ratio method for Top-Dow estimating of
project cost.
5. To identify and analyze the potentiai risks associated with the project. Try to
come up with at least five different risks. Use a risk assessment form to analyze
identified risks. Develop a risk response matrix to outline how you would deal
with each of the risks.
The project must be word-processed.
All writing must be in your own English, except where you are quoting. You
are allowed to quote in the body of the report but clearly acknowledge your
Make sure you provide your references in the body of the text as well as a
references page at the end of your report.
Font size 12 is required and 1.5 lines spacing to use beyond the cover page and the
table of content page.
Locate references in the text as needed, and use the brackets to indicate these references.
in the reference page be consistent by using only one form referencing your materials.
Any copying from any source wili give you 0 points on the report.
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