
Your assignment is to write a paper (2000-2500 words) by addressing the stated topic (below). Your discussion will

involve the use of significant works from the 19th century and early 20th century and you are encouraged to make use of

other primary and secondary source materials. There are a number of key texts which you might want to use:

John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty (1859) which can be found here:

For On Liberty you should concentrate on the introduction and first two chapters.
You will also need to draw material from Marx and Engels’ Communist Manifesto (1848) which can be found here:


In addition, you may wish to draw upon Vladimir Lenin’s What is to be Done? Lenin’s text can be accessed here:


One more source is the Marxist Internet Archive which can be found here:

Charles Darwin’s online materials can be found here:


Friedrich Engels The Condition of the Working Class in England can be found here:


Paper Topic

1. Fascism proved to be attractive to many Europeans. Fascism has been understood as reaction to conditions after

the Great War. But could it be argued that it was also an outcome consistent the dominant intellectual developments of

the 19th century?

You may write a paper on a different topic, but you must have written permission to do so. Any other topic must be based

on extensive primary and secondary sources. The written proposal requires a bibliography.

Please note that good writing almost invariably means rewriting. All quotations need to be backed up with either

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footnotes or endnotes. You must also provide footnotes or endnotes to any idea which you draw from any source. It is

important that you do you own work. Please note that plagiarism will not be tolerated.

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