Emerging Adulthood


Directions: first — think about what “being an adult” means — or looks like — to you. How does one become “an adult?” Where do your thoughts about this come from? Next, read Growing Up is Harder to Do (https://insight.ccsf.edu/pluginfile.php/507626/mod_assign/intro/Furstenberg_growing_up_is_hard_to_do.pdf) and Working Class Growing Pains (https://insight.ccsf.edu/pluginfile.php/507626/mod_assign/intro/working%20class%20growing%20pains.pdf) and answer the following questions —

1. What were the markers of adulthood in the 1950s – 1960s? Which were primary (most emphasized or expected)? Did they come in any particular order? How have these markers changed in the current era?

2. What social programs helped support the transition to adulthood in the 1950s – 1960s? How has this changed in the present era? What constraints do emerging adults face in comparison to those of the 1950s – 1960s?

3. What, per these readings, has led to the “lengthening road to adulthood”?

4. What do these articles recommend to support the transition to adulthood?

5. Summary — discuss your thoughts with respect to the transition to adulthood. What are (or were) the markers of this transition? Do you see this as an individual journey or as one moderated by society? Explain your thoughts in this regard. Include in your summary a discussion of any part/s of these readings that especially stood out to you.

* Also relevant — Get Used to Living With Mom and Dad * (http://www.salon.com/2012/01/16/get_used_to_living_with_mom_and_dad/)

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