

(1) Abstract: a brief overview of the study and findings in no more than 200 words.

(2) Introduction & Justification Section: The first section of your paper concerns a justification for a program of research in the area of both forgiveness and facilitation. The topic was defined at RI in detail. In terms of facilitation, the Skilled Facilitator Approach should be overviewed as the theoretical framework in your literature review since this was the model used in the facilitation workshop. The objective of this section of your paper is to offer a clear rationale for why the above topics merit exploration over time in a sustained and systematic manner. Good reasons include social needs, cultural needs, introduction of a concept that is valuable, advancement of the field of conflict resolution and understanding of forgiveness generally. (That something has been understudied is not by itself a good reason). 4 specific goals for the research paper should be provided before moving to the literature review. For example, ?The first goal for this research is to contribute to a better understanding of forgiveness by providing rich descriptive data through the use of facilitation techniques and approaches.?

Abstract, Introduction & Justification section (5-8 pages). The first section of your paper concerns a justification for a program of research in the area of facilitation. The topic can concern a domain of behavior, a theory, or an important variable related to facilitation. The objective of this section of your paper is to offer a clear rationale why the topic merits exploration over time in a sustained and systematic manner. Good reasons include social needs, cultural needs, introduction of a concept that is valuable for facilitation, advancement of the field of facilitation (technology, delivery style, application to a specific context), and understanding facilitation more generally. (That something has been understudied is not by itself a good reason.)

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Reading material for the class

Bens, I. (2012). Facilitating with ease! core skills for facilitators, team leaders and members, managers, consultants, and trainers. (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: The Jossey-Bass.
Schuman, S. (Ed.). (2005). The IAF Handbook of Group Facilitation: Best Practices From the Leading Organization in Facilitation. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.
Schwarz, R. M. (2002). The Skilled Facilitator. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.