Foster Homes

Foster Homes

Paper details:
Part I: Background

• Describe your chosen population segment.
• Explain one major social issue facing your selected population segment.
o Provide statistics and background data to document the social issues facing your selected population segment.
• Analyze the social and cultural factors contributing to the social issue.
o What are the political, economic, legal, practical, and ethical aspects of the issue?
o What are the multiple levels contributing to and/or perpetuating the issues (i.e., individual, group, and societal levels)?
o What are the personal, professional, and ethical implications on the society?
• Relate two sociological perspectives to provide context for your selected population in order to explain their most significant challenges faced by that population.
o Apply data from your research to support your claims about the challenges.

Part II: Research Proposal

Propose a statistical research project that directly relates to the social issue you identified for your selected population.

• Create a plan to conduct your research study, describing in detail what you want to measure and why. Below are a few points to include:
o Who would be involved?
o What would be a realistic timeline for completing your proposed project?
o How many people would be needed to conduct the research project from a staffing perspective?
o Which statistical analysis method (e.g., statistical tests/measurements) would be most appropriate for your application?
o How many subjects would you require for your study?
• Evaluate the importance of your proposed research study, and describe how the resulting data could best be used and which organizations or agencies will benefit best from it.

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Writing the Paper

• Must be and formatted according to APA style.
• Must include a title page with the following
• Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
• Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
• Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
• Must use at least ten scholarly resources.
• Must document all sources in APA style.
• Must include a separate reference page.

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