GM crops

If one of the main benefits of GM crops is increased yield, why are the majority of GM seeds sold to industrialized instead of

developed countries?
Substance (75 per cent)
– Each paragraph provides evidence of critical thinking and analysis as well as synthesis of researched information

throughout; in other words, it does not merely repeat verbatim information from a primary source.
– Information sources are relevant, current, and credible.
– The material in each paragraph is not contradictory.
– Each paragraph explains the necessary aspects of the concept and provides necessary examples, support, or illustration.

Writing Style and Format (25 per cent)

– Each paragraph is unified, developed, and coherent, with transitions between ideas.
– Sentences are grammatically correct; words are chosen for accuracy and impact.
– The writing follows the conventions of spelling and mechanics (punctuation, etc.).
– The format follows the MLA documentation style accurately and consistently.

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