How Domestic Right Wing Terrorism since 9/11 Can Increase the Homegrown Terrorism

Your final research must be at least 2,000 words (8 pages+) plus a cover page (with name, date, course, and title/question),

and any figures, tables, maps, footnotes/endnotes, and bibliography. NOTE: The Title and Reference pages DO NOT COUNT TOWARD

Need to add 5 more pages from the first research paper.
For this assignment I was looking for an initial and revised thesis statement as well as an overall outline of your research

design. Also listed as a requirement are five references.
Your thesis is a little disjointed, if you could structure it a little differently that would help. (-3)Possibly:
“In answering the question of terrorism motivation, identifying issues relating to how people become involved may be more

valuable than attempting to arrive at answers on why people become involved.”
For the final paper I would like to see the thesis clearly stated directly after the title page followed by an abstract. You

have a good outline but lacked the narratives for each topic area that I was looking for (-10). You list several interesting

For your final paper I want to see more than a definition report, I am looking for an in depth look into the subject area,

this will be needed for me to award an excellent paper.
The use of a graph, table or other outside mediums will also be required for an excellent paper.

Place this order with us and get 18% discount now! to earn your discount enter this code: special18 If you need assistance chat with us now by clicking the live chat button.

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