Film Data Year: 2008 Director: Clint Eastwood Length: 116 Minutes Rated: R Characters/Actors Walt Kowalski: Clint Eastwood Thao: Bee Vang Sue: Ahney Her Father Janovich: Christopher Carley Barber Martin: John Carroll Lynch Mitch Kowalski: Brian Haley Communication Courses Communication Theory Intercultural Communication Communication Concepts Adapting to Diversity Linguistic Divergence/Convergence Speech Codes Theory Pedagogical Perspective Buoyed by critical acclaim and strong box office receipts, Gran Torino is a film your students know and likely have seen. The film provides several examples of adapting to cultural diversity, along with illustrating speech codes and linguistic divergence/convergence. The film is rated R for language throughout, and for some violence. Synopsis Eastwood plays Walt Kowalski, a retired autoworker and Korean War veteran living out his remaining days at his home. In Walt’s world, nothing is supposed to change: children should always respect their elders, a man should be able take care of his own home, and people should live with their own kind. Walt’s worldview changes dramatically when he gets to know his Hmong neighbors, and becomes an unwilling mentor to Thao, a young Hmong man in need of direction. Despite his crusty exterior and callous demeanor, Walt becomes both hero and savior for the entire neighborhood. Discussion Questions 1. Analyze Walt’s process of adapting to cultural diversity (Ch. 11). Identify difference between Walt’s culture and the Hmong people. 2. Looking closely at Walt’s communications style, how would you describe his verbal communication skills versus of Thao and Sue? What are the meanings and purposes Walt attaches to talk? 3. How does Walt view friendship different than Thao and Sue? What strategies are different between them in initiating and maintaining friendships?

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