Groundwater Depletion

After reading your text (summaries attached), and surfing through the following web sites, and conducting your own

independent research write an essay summarizing the causes and consequences of groundwater depletion, including its effect

on world food supplies. In your opinion, how can we prevent groundwater from further depletion?

1. International Water Management Institute (copy and paste the address if necessary)

2. Worldwatch Institute (

3. Groundwater Shock (

4. World Water Watch (

This is a research-based essay. In addition to your textbook you need to utilize at least two outside academic sources.

You are not allowed to use the Wikipedia as one of your main two sources. At the bottom of your essay cite the sources

that you have used to complete your assignment. Give the author (s)’ names, publication date, name of article, and the

source where you found the article (i.e. printed books, journals or Internet web site) respectively. You also need to make

references to your sources within the body of your essay. Follow the APA writing style for writing your essays.

For the references from the text book requirement, please utilize the attached textbook notes and notate the page and

paragraph in the the body of work. I will add correct citations later. For other sources, please cite correctly within

body of essay and in reference section.

Essay should be analytical and relevant to the topic with a minimum of 500 words. No cover page required.
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