Security – Know your enemy


You are working as a security consultant to a large UK based but internationally operating company, you have been asked to

produce a report that can be presented to the IT director around the need to ensure a new methodology is taken to help

keep the company secure from IT threats.

Assessment Requirements:

You should produce a report which includes:

1) Explain what a fully integrated security system may look like.

2) Discus why a fully integrated security system is good for helping to secure an IT system.

3) Why is it important that security policy mechanisms need to be applied consistently across an organisation, to

both technical devices & users?

4) Describe some of the more common security applications and devices, explaining how they can be used to secure a

corporate IT system.
5) Security with regards to Information Technology can be described as a trade-off between Security vs Functionality

AND Security vs Privacy, discuss both these points of view with regards to securing IT systems.

6) Define and give a description of the main standards in the ISO 27000 Series pay particular attention to the

responsibilities of security.

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