
The Pre-Civil War Period. (1777-1860): Expansion of the U.S, immigration, diversity, and responses to social welfare


In this period of history, the United States saw a significant growth in immigration, especially from Ireland and

Germany. America was becoming more diverse, yet less tolerant. Provide three separate examples from today that

illustrates increased diversity in society and that indicates either intolerance or acceptance of this increased


Required Text: Stern, Mark J., & Axinn, June (2012). Social welfare: A history of the American response to need. (8th

NJ: Pearson Education. ISBN 0-205-06323-3.

Regarding Grading:
Be sure to show an accurate understanding of concepts of discrimination, and oppression. Provide
clear and relevant evidence. Use specific examples and a nuanced understanding of the impact of topic in society. Your

content thoroughly addresses all questions and correct APA formatting is
applied throughout. Your writing should be logical, organized and free of errors in grammar, spelling writing mechanics.

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