IPC themes

IPC themes

1. Conduct research—find articles related to the IPC themes you’ve identified in the interview.
2. Read each article.( it has to be related to communication, because medical and psychological articles are not accepted)
3. Cite each article in alphabetical order using APA format. [Author Last Name, First Initial. (Year). Article title. Journal Title, volume number(issue number), pages.] See Purdue OWL for more detailed information: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ .)
4. Write an annotation for EACH article (approximately 2-3 pages per annotation; 7-10 pp total), and include:
a. a summary of the article (in your own words!) that is accurate, complete and concise. In your summary, explain what kind of research was conducted (qualitative, quantitative, survey, interview, etc.); describe the methodology (how many participants? what kind of participants? what did they do? over how much time, etc.) as well as the conclusions (what meaning to do the researchers take from their study?).
b. connections to IPC—be specific!; I will use this to assess your understanding of the course material; quote from Tracy and the articles we read in class; use APA format to cite sources
c. connections to your interviewee’s experience. How does the article help you to better understand his/her needs, interactions with health care providers, etc.?
d. brief discussion of the relevance of this information to you as a future health care provider.

effects of illness on relationships with family, friends, co-workers
? interactions with healthcare providers
? changes in roles and performance of identity
? cross-cultural issues
? language barriers
? role of listening
? empathy
? patient education
? communication & adherence; medications & changes in lifestyle & identity
? health literacy

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1- Iezzoni, What should I say?: http://annals.org.ezproxy.mcphs.edu/article.aspx?articleid=711743&resultClick=3
2- Mathieson and Stam, “Renegotiating identity;” http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1467-9566.ep10933316/pdf
3- Moore and Hallenbeck, Narrative Empathy http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0885392410004628/1-s2.0-S0885392410004628-main.pdf?_tid=c79c1d9a-77e6-11e3-a3fb-00000aacb35e&acdnat=1389132062_391c50235082788fda47188c3f508e59