
Case Law Brief Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to get you applying your legal research techniques learned in class, reading case law,

and interpreting implications for professionals in the field. The case law brief paper is worth 20 points. The assignment

will be evaluated on the following criteria:

-Appropriateness of the case selected (do not select a cases dated earlier than 1990)

-Must be found using the legal database learned in class

-Ability to present the case and articulate its significance to your field.

-Grammar, spelling, punctuation, style, proofreading, etc.

-Your case law brief should be written in past tense.

-Attach a copy of the case (only the first 2 pages) to the back of your case law paper.

-12 point font, double spaced, 2 page minimum. Single line header with name (don’t waste space!)

Content of your case law brief:

Locate a case that is related to one of the legal issues discussed in class, one that deals with your area of interest

and one not heard in court prior to 1990. Students should locate the actual case from a legal database or reporter (hard

copy) rather than an edited case from a text book (cases used for in-class activities cannot be selected for this

assignment) or standard search engine. Be sure to include the citation of the case at the top of your report.
Identify/Summarize the facts of the case. Provide a brief summary of the facts in order to orient the reader to the

situation. This section should be written in the student’s words, and NOT copied from the case. This is your

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Identify the complaint. Specifically, what are plaintiff’s claims and allegation(s)? What is the main issue of the case?

This will be a brief section but written in the student’s words, NOT copied from the case.
Identify the findings and “law” used in the case. Briefly describe the legal concepts the court dealt with in making its

decision (foreseeability, failure to supervise, failure to warn…..etc. Each case will be different!). This section should

outline and describe the logic the court used to reach its decision, but be written in the student’s words, NOT copied

from the case.
Explain the verdict of the court. What was the outcome, or decision of the court?
Definition of terms. List and define unique or uncertain key legal terms that were part of your case. You may have a long

list of terms if you had a complex case, or you may have very few. It just depends upon how broad your legal vocabulary

is!! J
Implications. This section is where you should reflect upon the meaning of the case. What can be learned from this case?

What applications to your field can be made from this case? Are there risk management tips you can recommend based upon

your learning from this case?

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