
Assessment 1

For this assessment, you will develop a 2–3-page research paper that states a research question to address a problem in a

specialized field in psychology and evaluates three peer-reviewed articles related to the question.

In this assessment, you will explore your passions and interests in psychology and start making connections between your

selected specialization and the opportunities available as a practitioner in the field of psychology by selecting a topic

relevant to your future career path and conducting library research to gain further insights into the field. This will

help lay a foundation for you to develop your vision of a future career in the field. You will also examine and start

practicing effective communication consistent with the expectations for professionals in psychology.
For this assessment, imagine yourself in your future career and take some time to reflect on the type of research that

would be most interesting and applicable to the work you would like to do. Think about how you would use research as a

practitioner. Would you like to do your own primary research on a specific topic? Would you be searching for up-to-date

scientific evidence that supports strategies you would implement with clients, employees, or learners? Research will be a

backbone throughout your program and practice, so really take some time to hone in on your vision and skills in this

area. This will ensure your library research as a learner relates to your interests and practice in the field.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies

and assessment criteria:

READ ALSO :   English

Competency 1: Create a vision and action plan for becoming a psychology practitioner-scholar.Select a topic in the field

of psychology that reflects a chosen career path.Evaluate selected articles for a specific topic in the field of

psychology.Competency 2: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for

members of the psychological professions.Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with

expectations of members of the psychological professions.Apply master’s-level writing skills by employing clear, precise,

and grammatically correct writing.Competency 3: Perform as a knowledgeable consumer of research.Formulate a research

question to address a problem in a specialized field of psychology.Describe strategies to locate articles relevant to a

topic in the field of psychology.Describe insights about the development of a research question in the field of

psychology.Describe conclusions about research and the role it has in the field of psychology.

********USE BELOW AS A REFERENCE **********************

American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.).

Washington, DC: Author. ISBN: 9781433805622.

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