Literary Analysis Essay about Symbolism in “Brownies” by ZZ Packer

Write an analysis of “Brownies” by ZZ Packer. Your essay should have a clear thesis that is supported by excerpts from

the story. You should not use outside sources in your essay.

Your essay should be double spaced, and approximately 3 pages long. The essay may be a bit longer than this if it is

necessary to prove your thesis. 2 pages is too short for this assignment, and a 2 page paper will not receive an A.
You should use at least 3 direct quotes from the story, so be sure to put them in quotation marks. You do not have to

cite a page number because there are no page numbers in these online versions.
Remember, you can talk about a story in terms of theme, narrator/point of view, setting, characters, symbolism, meaning,

moral, or any other criteria that you think would make an interesting essay.

Be specific: general themes do not make good essay topics. Instead, develop questions that can be answered with a close

reading of the story and which make a specific argument about it.
In grading your essay, I will be looking for:

–Evidence of a good grasp of the story—responsive reading and the ability to identify meaningful themes.

· Essays that are essentially plot summaries, with no thesis and no analysis, will not receive a passing grade.

–Effective organization

· The essay should show that you understand how to organize and develop an academic essay.

–A meaningful thesis, effective thesis support and analysis

· The thesis should be arguable and clearly stated.

· The thesis support and analysis should be objective, well-organized, detailed and convincing. The thesis support should

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include examples and direct quotes from the piece to illuminate and strengthen your points.

· The thesis support should offer readers a new or deeper understanding of the theme that you are addressing. In other

words, good thesis support should be analytical and interpretive.


· The essay should reflect conscientious revision and editing—in other words, show that you applied a real writing


· The essay should be clear, coherent and pleasurable to read.
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