Macro & Micro economics

My company is COSTCO and i need to forecasting the data that i give you in word dec

1. Writing an abstract

After you pick your topic, it is a good idea to write-up a brief abstract to help you focus your thoughts. The abstract should not be more than a page. It should include

(i) State your forecasting problem

(ii) Information about and description of your data

(iii) Description of your proposed models

2. Body of the paper**** under every graph write paragraph what is data look like, and answer 5 questions.

The paper will contain detailed explanations of your thought processes and methodology. At every stage you need to answer the following questions:

(i) What did you do (ex: Winter’s method with these parameter values…)

(ii) Why did you do it?

(iii) What did you find? (Interpretation of your results)

(iv) What is your conclusion?

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