Project Plan


You are newly appointed project manager and as a part of your role you have been asked to develop a project plan for a project of your choice. You will need to assess the business case and provide evidence to show efficient planning of the project. You should:

– Describe the background of the project management principles, create project scope, aims and objectives and scope, time, cost parameters.

– Appraise the viability of the project by developing criteria for success/failure and application of appropriate project management tools and techniques.

– Recommend a suitable organizational structure, team roles and responsibilities and other human resources requirements of the project.

– Plan a prepare process to establish the project organization by applying processes for project monitoring and control using scheduling, estimating and cost control techniques.

– Use relevant project tools, techniques and graphic representation of data like bar charts and networks to highlight measures used for project performance.

– Evaluate key elements involved in execution of the project and post project appraisals.


you are required to generate a project plane charter, identify stakeholders, develop a project management plan, create a SMART project Scope, define and sequence activities and estimate resources. Also develop a Human Resources plan. Identify criteria for success/ failure of the project.

Project charter:

Develop a summary paragraph that formally authorizes a project and documents initial requirements of the project.


Identify all people or organizations impacted by the project, aspects regarding their interests, involvement, and impact on project success.

Project management plan:

List the actions necessary to define, prepare, integrate, and coordinate all subsidiary plans, MINIMUM 10 actions.

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