microprocessors and software Referral

microprocessors and software Referral
You should submit the following:

Task 1)

Please submit a short report indicating the functionality of your application. Include in this report your
program design.
You should also submit your assembly file (.ASM file) so I can verify its operation in picsim. The assembly
file should include comments and compile successfully using gpasm. If you do not submit this file you will
automatically be awarded 0% out of 50% for the program implementation.

Task 2)

You should submit a short report of 2 pages or less

The completed reports and flow charts should be saved as pdf files

These pdf files, along with the commented source code file should be zipped and submitted via

Coursework Specification

Task 1) 50% for program design and implementation
Create an assembly application for the pic microcontroller that will increase and decrease a program
You should design your application using an appropriate method (flowchart/pseudo code) and then
implement this on PICSIM board 1. The specification of what is required is as follows:

You will use two buttons (RA1 and RA2) to cycle up and down the register values
The register that will be used is PORTB (so that there is a display of the count in binary form)
You will need to add a delay to the code so that the count can be seen.

You should provide the details of any assumptions made.

Task 2) 50% for report
Provide a short report (maximum 2 pages including references) that answers the following question:
What are the differences between the following processor instruction sets?

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