Nutrition and Metabolism

Nutrition and Metabolism

What are the 4 major types of macromolecules? How is a saturated fatty acid different from an unsaturated? What are the 2 types of nitrogenous bases and what are the bases included in each type? Differentiate between base, nucleoside and nucleotide.

Why is free energy important to cells?

What are enzymes and what do they do?

What is oxidation/reduction?

What is a coenzyme?

What is the relationship between free energy and reduction potential?

How does ATP function as the energy molecule for a cell? Why does a cell store glucose for energy instead of ATP?

What are aerobes/anaerobes/facultative anaerobes?

What is a chemoorganotroph?

What occurs in glycolysis?

What is substrate level phosphorylation?

How much ATP and reduced coenzymes are produced in glycolysis?

–what are reduced coenzymes and how do they function?

What is fermentation? What types of products are formed as a result of fermentation and what is their function for the cell?

How do WE use some of these fermentation products?

Do all organisms use the Embden-Meyerhof pathway? Explain.

–be able to recognize other names for glucose fermentation

What is the most common cycle used to begin respiration?

–why is this a cycle?

–how much ATP and reduced coenzymes are generated?

–what is the main product of this cycle?

–what is the fate of reduced coenzymes generated during glycolysis

and the citric acid cycle
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