Performance Management

Paper instructions:


This assessment item relates to course learning outcomes 2 and 3.


Follow Essay format. See the Course LibGuide for further details.

Your assignment must be written in Times New Roman, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing. You must follow all other formatting rules described in the guide mentioned above.

Topic Background

“Only human capital can produce a sustainable competitive advantage. And, performance management systems are the key tools that can be used to transform people’s talent and motivation into a strategic business advantage.” Aguinis (2013) Performance Management


Reflect on the Performance Management System (PMS) of an organisation you know about. This could be the organisation where you currently work, an organisation that you previously worked for, or an organisation where someone you know works.

You need to now accomplish the following tasks.

Describe both the internal and external environment of the organisation. This context should take into account organisational culture and strategy, key performance indicators, and elements of the external environment.

Decide on 2-3 critical, key areas for improvement within the PMS – ones that you would target for change in order to improve the system. Name these areas in reference to your assigned textbook and class notes. Discuss in detail why you chose these areas and support you choice with empirical research and other information from journal articles.

Choose 2-3 interventions or things you could do to improve the problems – that is, say how you would change the PMS in regard to the key areas. Is there any evidence that these changes would be effective? Explain why you think each proposed change would be effective based on empirical research and other information from journal articles.

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Based on theoretical knowledge around the purposes of performance appraisals and ways to improve the performance appraisal techniques, students are expected to source material from a wide range of scholarly/academic peer reviewed journal articles and other textbooks to submit your response in an essay format.