Poetry of Kipling

Poetry of Kipling

7. The poem ends in a concise and memorable way. Answer the following, in at least one complete
sentence each, about the last line of the poem:

a. How does the line convey how deeply the speaker feels about Innisfree? (4)
b. How does the line suggest, along with the rest of the third stanza, that the speaker does not
intend to travel in a physical way to innisfree when he says “I will arise and go now”? (4)

Part II – “When You Are Old” (20 points total: point value noted after each question)

1. In the first stanza, summarize what three things the poet asks the woman to do in the future. (4)

2. Read the second stanza carefully. In at least five complete sentences, using examples from the
second stanza, explain how the poet shows that his love was deeper and more valuable than that of
others. (8)

3. Read the third stanza carefully.

a. In the third stanza, to where does the poet predict “Love” in the young woman’s life will have
fled? (4)

b. Think about the characteristics of the places the poet says his love will have fled. Consequently,
what characteristics does the poet believe his love has? (4)

Part III – “The Second Coming” (32 points total: 4 points each)

1. The “shape” the poet describes seeing is a combination of what two beings? (4)

2. Read lines 19-22.

a. To whom or what is the “rocking cradle” in line 20 an allusion? (4)
b. According to the poet, where will the new “revelation” be “born”? (4)

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3. In lines 4-8, the poem paints an intense picture of human wickedness in a series of concisely
worded passages. In several sentences each, examine in detail how each passage powerfully sums
up widespread evil. Rather than writing in general terms, focus on how the precise words the poet
uses are so effective at summarizing great evil.

a. “Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,” (4)

b. “The blood-dimmed tide is loosed,” (4)

c. “and everywhere,’ The ceremony of innocence is drowned;” (4)

d. “The best lack all conviction,” (4)

e. “While the worst I Are full of passionate intensity.” (4)