Describe and explain the similarities between the historical developments
and events in Guatemala and in Chile that the course has covered (beginning
1944 for Guatemala and early 1960s for Chile). In each case, there was a
strong, dramatic movement in favor of reform and democracy at the beginning
of the period covered, more than almost anywhere else in Latin America at
those times. But in both cases, reform and democracy failed or were defeated.
Explain. Why was there a strong initiation of reform and democratization in
these countries at these particular points in history? Why was it so difficult to
continue and why did it end in failure? For each country, list and explain
some internal, domestic causes and some external, foreign, international
causes for both the initial success and the relatively quick failure/defeat of
reformism and democracy during the historical periods covered in the course.
In what ways did the something similar happen in Nicaragua from the late
1970s to 1990?
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