The non profit organization to use is:

National Marine Mammal Foundation
For your final writing project, you will research a community-based, state-based, national, or international non-profit organization whose primary

goal is to provide equality and justice for any individual, group, or animal. Your organization must meet the following criteria:

The organization must be at least five years old.
The organization must be recognized as non-profit, this means they only accept donations for their work and provide a free service to the community,

the nation, and/or the globe.
The organization must provide assistance to others through legal means.
The organization must have a professional website, and the website title must end with the letters “org”.

Your purpose with this essay is to compose an informative and a persuasive essay about the organization of your choice. The following information

must be included in your essay:

– A brief description of the history of the organization. Include the name of founding member(s) and the year of formation if the information

is provided. Include the organization’s website in your description. (I)
– A description of the purpose and goal of the organization. Who do they assist? (I)
– How does the organization use rhetoric and the modes of appeal (ethos, pathos, logos) to attract volunteers and acquire necessary funds to

provide aid? Which mode of appeal is most effective? Which is least effective? (I)
– Should this organization continue to exist? Should the organization continue to accept donations? Why or why not? (P)
– If the organization should continue to exist, how could they improve their efforts? (P)

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The questions that contain an “I” at the end are informative elements of your essay. The questions containing a “P” at the end are persuasive

elements of your essay.

This essay should contain an introduction, a thesis statement, and a conclusion. Your writing purpose is both informative and persuasive. This essay

should span between three and five pages.

Please compose this essay entirely in third person. Do not use personal pronouns. Do not use: I, we, us, our, you, your, yourself ourselves, myself,

me, my, etc…
Your paper will be graded based on your ability to offer detailed information about the organization of your choice, answer questions provided in

the assignment, and follow directions for MLA format, and good use of mechanics and writing style that are appropriate for the academy.
A typed rough draft will be due in class for peer review on Thursday, June 25th. For peer review, bring a typed hard copy to class; do not bring a

copy on your laptop. A polished draft to turn in to me will be due electronically via drop box on Canvas by midnight on Friday, June 26th.

Additionally, you will deliver an oral presentation to the class about this organization. Please compose a presentation using PowerPoint or Prezi

programs. An oral presentation rubric will be provided for you. This writing assignment addresses the following elements of writing: Arrangement,

Drafting and Revising, and Editing and Proofreading. This assignment addresses learning outcomes 1-6 as stated on page 1 of our syllabus. Feel free

to visit me during office hours, ask questions in class, or visit the NCTC writing lab for free and friendly help with this assignment.

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