Social Work: Ethical Reasoning Regarding an Ethical Dilemma in a Hospice Setting

The purpose of this assignment is to become more aware of ethical issues, identify an ethical issue and use sound ethical reasoning in making a

decision about how best to handle the dilemma. Must include abstract, use of headings and subheadings, conclusion, and reference page. Must

include ALL points mentioned below:
a. Describe the setting and dynamics of an inpatient hospice unit. Describe the ethical issue of patient confidentiality. Consider working

with a multi-disciplinary team including yourself as the social worker, nurses, doctors, health aids, music therapists, and chaplains. Consider the

amount of people going in and out of patient files and medical records. Consider how often those files are left open in public areas that non-

medical staff may have access to someone else’s confidential medical records. Consider staff members leaving files open in their office while

holding a meeting with another patient’s family.
b. What guidelines does the NASW Code of Ethics offer? State of Illinois Licensing law or other laws, if applicable?
c. Identify and discuss any self-serving or egocentric ways of thinking that either you or agency personnel could use at any time while

thinking about the ethical dilemma (s)? Describe examples of ways in which an agency administrator or other staff would consider acting that fail

to consider the rights and needs of others?
d. Identify the key ethical question pertaining to this issue. What is the most important information you will need to answer the ethical

question? What are the key ethical concepts and principles to consider?
e. Explain step by step the ethical reasoning that you would use to reach a decision about the question if you were the person responsible for

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making the decision. What assumptions will you use to resolve the ethical question? What viewpoints, with respect to the facts, would a reasonable

person consider in thinking through this dilemma? What are your main inferences/conclusions in thinking through this ethical question?
f. What are some important implications for social work for the ethical dilemma of patient confidentiality? This link contains the NASW code of ethics, ethical guidelines, ethical concerns, ethical

principles and ethical questions.
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