Sagan, C. (1995). The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the

Sagan, C. (1995). The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark.

Answer the questions about a book
Project description
Please answer the five questions. The questions are about a book, Sagan, C. (1995). The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark. Also, these questions are about only chapter 8. I do not want one page long essay. Please just answer each question. Please do not put together all answers. Each answer has to be at least four sentences

1. In this chapter, Dr. Sagan introduces us to the world of hyponosis and its implications for factfinding and discerning truth from fiction in the pseudoscience context. Dr. Sagan shares with us stories and examples to illustrate the perils of authority influence. Think of a time when you received professional advice or information from an authority figure (e.g. a diagnosis from a doctor, dentist, or other health professional, advice from a lawyer, etc.). How rigorously did you scrutinize or fact check the information you were given? What does that say about our (humans) propensity to trust the words and even directions of authority figures?
2. Let’s take the concept of authority influence to the business world. What issues do power dynamics and authority roles play in workplaces interactions, the exchange of information, and manipulation of perceiptions. Have you ever been asked by a supervisor to do something that you either didn’t understand or didn’t agree with? If so, did you ask questions or state your discontent? What if I—as your professor—based your credit for this course on how well you learned to play a musical instrument or play poetry? Would you challenge me? Do you think you have a right to such contempt? Why or why not?
3. Part and parcel to authority dynamics, another point that Dr. Sagan makes in this chapter is the danger of suggestibility in human interactions. Think back to the Elizabeth Loftus experiment discussed in the chapter. What was the study all about and what did the results indicate? Did you find these results surprising? Why or why not? How about the President Reagan example? Have you ever had any moments where you confused reality with your imagination, a dream, a hallucination or even a movie you saw or a book you read? Most of us have. Share with me a personal example if you have one.

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