Strategic Management

Question 1 (300 words)
Explain what is meant by strategic drift. Explain why organisations who have adopted a resource-based view are more likely

to suffer from it.

Question 2 (300 words )
Achieving strategic change is easier if a change in culture is not also necessary. Explore and discuss the relationship

between culture and strategy and use an organisation with which you are familiar to illustrate your answer.

Question 3 (300 words )
Organisational ambiguity is the need to balance exploration and exploitation strategies. Using examples from organisations

that you know, explain why it is frequently difficult to pursue both strategies simultaneously inside the same


Question 4 (300 words )
Businesses are now called to do more than make a profit. They are expected to satisfy the needs of a wider group of

stakeholders than the shareholders. Discuss the growing demand for organisations to be socially responsible and how this

is impacting on the organisation you work for.

Question 5 (300 words )
A company’s belief system or paradigm guides behaviour and shapes organisational behaviour. Using a company that you know

as an example, describe and critically analyse that company’s paradigm and its relationship with its strategy and its

success or failure.

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