The Nordic Model of Capitalisms

Write an essay about “The Nordic model variations on the coordinated market economy”. Specifically, “Given the scale of

the transformations associated with globalizing markets, Nordic capitalism has had to find some sort of accommodation to

neo-liberalism”. Discuss the most important of these accommodations and how they have been implemented in Denmark, and

discuss the view that Nordic capitalisms are a combination of social partnership with a growing commitment to neo-liberal

free markets. Also, discuss from the 1990s the Nordic countries have relied on their tradition of coordinated capitalism

to build new institutions and firms that have enabled them to respond effectively to the changing nature of competition in

the global economy and do the Nordic countries still fit the model of coordinated market economies, and FOCUS on Denmark.
In the Nordic countries usually how the 2008 Euro crisis impacted on the institutions and on firms. Therefore, be aware of

how the system used to work and how it works. How the system have changed as a result of a crisis. How as a result of

adjustments that have covered because of the crisis that made it difficult to continue to operate the old system. What

sort of challenges crisis have they faced and in what ways have their institutions and strategies of their firms changed

as a result of this of trying to adapt to new circumstances.
The essay should focus on and have more detailed about Denmark and discuss the debate, NOT a description about the

country. The essay should be relevant and directly engaged with the topic. It should start with the introduction with

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short context about the topic, the Nordic countries. Then, the body should include at least five paragraphs of depth

analysis of Denmark for the issues with evidences, arguments and give examples. It should show the whole academic debate

about the topic and highlight different views, give “balance answer”, and be critical: consider, discuss and evaluate.

Finally, the conclusion should be summarizing and showing the understanding of the topic and give your point of view as

For the referencing: the essay should include at least five references. Here are some of the references and I will upload

some articles.
Campbell, J.L., Hall, J.A. & Pedersen, O., 2006. National Identity and the Varieties of Capitalism: The Danish Experience

Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Kristensen, P.H., 1989. Denmark: an experimental laboratory for new industrial models. Entrepreneurship & Regional

Development, 1(3), pp.245–255.
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