Ted Talk “Incentives” Video

Ted Talk “Incentives” Video
Locate on the internet the Ted Talk “Incentives” Video. Have the video pre-loaded and ready for viewing. Next, locate and view the Incentives Activity Sheet and resume the Ted Talk. Think about IMT concepts that can help explain the situation. Consider the questions asked in the Activity Sheet and start thinking about the answers.

After watching the Ted Talk video locate and view the Incentives supporting course video. While watching the supporting course video, answer the questions on the activity sheet. When complete, submit the activity sheet

IncentivesActivity Sheet

In virtually every leadership and management philosophy taught around the world, incentives have been a sure way to get people to increase their performance. When people are good, they are rewarded; when they are not, they are punished. World-renowned author, Daniel Pink, seems to disagree with the status quo assertion and identifies in a Ted Talk that incentives may not be the cause of a person’s performance increase. There may be more going on than meets the eye. As you watch the Ted Talk, think about how it relates to the IMT concepts discussed in the Rules & Incentives videos and whether it is agrees or disagrees with IMT.
Concepts Covered:
1. No Control or Influence.
2. External forces identify who a person is and not what makes a person act.
3. Leaders who use incentives will attract followers who look for incentives.
1. Watch the Ted Talk on Incentives by Daniel Pink.
2. Watch the supporting video.
3. Answer the questions below.

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1. How does Dan Pink agree with IMT?

2. How does Dan Pink disagree with IMT?

3. Does an incentive influence a person or does an incentive reveal who a person is?

4. Are incentives necessary?