Topic: Composition, Literature and Critical Thinking

Topic: Composition, Literature and Critical Thinking

Order Description

Please follow the prompts and the given samples carefully and finish them.

Here is the link to the pictures of the required texts: A Book of Luminous Things!2230&authkey=!ALY7W-fhN7Z3-FQ&ithint=folder%2c

Part 1: Poem FLASH SUMMARIES 15 3-sentence summaries of 15 different poems (minimum)  (around 675 words)
Prompts :Read and choose fifteen (15) different poems from A Book of Luminous Things to summarize. Submit those summaries below, altogether in one journal entry. Separate each new 3-sentence summary with a space or a line. These miniature summaries of each poem should only be three (3) sentences long. I am looking for brief, precise, articulate summaries here to ensure that you’re reading widely enough in the poetry collection and “trying on” some of the poems as you seek one to base your essay on. Again, the minimum is 3 sentences per summary – there is no need to write more than that, but please don’t write less than 3 sentences per summary as I won’t be able to give this assignment any credit if you do.
Your task here is to summarize the writing as well as the “story” in the poem (if there is one) – do not just write a simple plot description of what happens (you can cover plot in one sentence). Instead, observe and describe the writing and the “piece as a whole”: introduce the author and title and publishing date of the poem and the book; list important characters, settings and time frames present in the poem; identify major themes, symbols, and metaphors in the poem; describe the speaker(s) or voice(s) of the work and the point(s) of view from which the poem is told. List the number of stanzas and describe the line lengths and the rhyme pattern in the poem (if any). Tell us about the rhythm and the “beat pattern” of the lines and phrases. Define what kind of poem it is (based on what you’ve learned about other poem forms from the Poetry Vocabulary sheet I’ve placed in the unit materials). Give us a full picture of what this work looks like on the page.
Note: Please remember not to deconstruct the poems – that is not the assignment task here. There should be no mention of deconstruction anywhere in these short summaries: I want only a straight, 3-sentence summary description of each poem as it sits on the page, nothing else.

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Part 2:
1 full poem diagram (I’ve sent you pictures of the poem and the sample of the diagram, please choose one and print it out and upload it again with your handwritten annotation, thank you.)
Prompts :(This assignment will be uploaded into the course as a separate document or photo attachment. You will find a sample poem diagram under SAMPLES within the unit module – please study it first before you attempt your own diagram here. You will need to be sure to use and apply – through careful and comprehensive labeling on your poem – as many of the vocabulary terms as you can from these two sources in the unit’s required reading: the Poem Choose a poem of your choice from A Book of Luminous Things to diagram, type up that poem, annotate it, and then upload that work as a separate document attachment into the course here. You can also annotate directly in your poetry book with a pen or pencil, take a picture of that poem diagram with your smart phone, and upload that picture here. Upload your document here as a .doc, .pdf or picture file (jpeg or .gif) and upload that document here. Either of those methods is fine and I will accept any file format this time as long as the diagram is thorough andlegible once reproduced on the computer screen. Please read and study as many poems from the collection as possible before you choose the one for your diagram. It’s imperative that you choose a poem that you like and feel you understand reasonably well – that will make the diagramming work you do here much easier.
You may end up using this same poem as the basis for your deconstruction essay analysis at the culmination of this unit if you decide to write about the same poem you diagram here (which would be a very smart strategy on your part and something I highly recommend). This assignment is meant to help you explore all the dimensions of the poem and to give you practice articulating those in advance of your essay. If you are able to identify all of the working parts of your poem and also isolate the points at which you might begin to deconstruct your poem here, you will be able to analyze and deconstruct it or others like it much more effectively in your essay.
To receive credit your diagram must be fully labeled, appropriately using as many of this unit’s poem and deconstruction vocabulary words as you can (within the confines of what your chosen poem has to offer in terms of diversity of form, that is).
Part 3:
Poem summary 1 paragraph (10 sentence minimum)  (around 150 words)
Prompts :Compose a paragraph-length summary of a poem of your choice from A Book of Luminous Thingsand submit it below. Please read and study as many poems as possible from the collection this unit along with the summary instructional materials located elsewhere in our course before you attempt this assignment.
Your task here is to summarize the writing as well as the “story” in the poem (if there is one) – do not just write a simple plot description of what happens (you can cover plot in one sentence). Instead, observe and describe the writing and the “piece as a whole”: introduce the author and title and publishing date of the poem and the book; list important characters, settings and time frames present in the poem; identify major themes, symbols, and metaphors in the poem; describe the speaker(s) or voice(s) of the work and the point(s) of view from which the poem is told. List the number of stanzas and describe the line lengths and the rhyme pattern in the poem (if any). Tell us about the rhythm and the “beat pattern” of the lines and phrases. Define what kind of poem it is (based on what you’ve learned about other poem forms from the Poetry Vocabulary sheet I’ve placed in the unit materials). Give us a full picture of what this work looks like on the page.
Note: Please remember not to deconstruct the poem – that is not the assignment task here. There should be no mention of deconstruction anywhere in this summary: I want only a straight, 10-sentence description of the anatomy of the poem as it sits on the page, nothing else.

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