you are required to critically analyze an American text/s that falls before the year 1865, and to synthesize your ideas with the three sources you have found.

you are required to critically analyze an American text/s that falls before the year 1865, and to synthesize your ideas with the three sources you have found.

1) Write a critical compare/contrast paper, in which you compare/contrast two American texts. With this option, you are not simply listing the similarities and differences— you are concentrating on one particular aspect to explore in the texts, to compare and contrast, and then ultimately making an argument for a certain interpretation of that critical aspect.

EX: Comparing/contrasting the presentation of masculinity in The Great Gatsby and “A Soldier’s Home.”

2) Write a critical argument for the evolution of an American text over time, in which you focus on one aspect of the American text and its modern counterpoint, and again, ultimately make an argument for a way to view the competing presentations of the same story.

EX: Critically analyze the presentation of racism in Huckleberry Finn, in the original text versus a movie adaption.

3) Make an argument for why a certain text should be mandatory reading in school (whether in high school or in college), and why.

4) Make an argument for why a certain text you’ve read this semester is *the most* American of texts, and why. That means you have to not only argue for the text being the most American, but that you also have to define what it means to be American in 2015–and as you can see from our writers, being American isn’t necessarily a positive thing, all the time…

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