Case: New Belgium Brewing (B)

This case discusses how New Belgium Brewing expanded its branding and communication strategy from a focus on word of mouth and event sponsorship to

include television advertising, web-based communication, and social media. The development of New Belgium’s “Brand Manifesto” is reviewed, along

with the company’s decisions regarding media selection, messaging components, and advertising production. Despite the company’s continued growth in

terms of both distribution and promotional complexity, New Belgium has remained focused on its core values of customer intimacy, sustainability,

whimsy, and fun.

1. NBB seemed to agonize over the use of the word “folly” in its advertising campaign. What do you make of the company’s struggle with this

decision? Also, how do you personally feel about their use of the word?
2. New Belgium’s focus on sustainability, whimsy, and fun is clearly rooted in its Colorado-based culture and the ethos of its founders and

employees. As New Belgium’s distribution continues to expand away from that locale, how can the company make its branding and messaging resonate

with consumers in different parts of the country?
3. NBB’s management is interested in creating a new television ad to coincide with the opening of its new brewing facility in Asheville, NC. How

would you approach this task? Would the ad differ substantially from the original? If so, how?
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